Sonus Infinitum - Bryce's Most Recent Music Release

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rolling Rainstorms and Long Rides with Russians

Over the past 2.5 months I have settled into a final apartment/office from where I can work, study, ride bikes, and make music. Aka, a base of operations. I am located in the charlottenburg area of Berlin where I have grreat access to the Grunwald and a long north-south glacial lake complex from Velten in the north to Potsdam in the south...overall a rolling glacial landscape filled with ride combinations of road, doubletrack, singletrack, and cobble.

I linked up with a team of internatinoal mountainbikeers called Big Wheel Racing Europe and am going down to a race in Weidenthal in early August. Its a 12 hour singlespeed event and I will be a team member with others coming from Netherlands, France, Germany, and others, cool! Maybe i will learn some Nedeerlandisch, it kind of looks like deutsch...

Started a weekly long ride group that was just my friend Mikhail out of Moscow last week. We did a nice 4-hour out and back to Veltin and saw tons of great singletrack in the forest patches on the way. didnt quite find the center of Velten though, we did find the rathaus. So I looked at it on the inteernet and it has a long north south man made canal on the east side of it with a bunch of heavy industry to the southeast along the canal. I dont think it has a traditional city centere with church, more like a main drag that extended out into a grid.

The rain here is great! It comes in as mild thunderstorms with interspersed lengths of sunlight. I can imagine it builds up as ripples in the atmosphere from the north sea or west of Hanover and rolls over Berlin like waves.